“ I listen out for the sounds of animals I don’t recognise and hope that one will pay a visit to this tree. On clear nights, its branches sway side to side playing peekaboo with the stars,“

Bulga tree-sit Diary Day 37:
I love the way the forest comes alive at dusk. Bird song fills the air as the sun dips behind the hill, slowly enveloping the sea of green bellow in its shadow. A cacophony of kookaburra calls erupts like clockwork as if a lullaby for daytime creatures and an alarm for those of the night. March flies trade places with mosquitos and the air adopts a cool stillness, amplifying the steady hum of insects that follow. I listen out for the sounds of animals I don’t recognise and hope that one will pay a visit to this tree. On clear nights, its branches sway side to side playing peekaboo with the stars, or else stand stark against a milky sky and the whole scene is perfect in a way only Mother Nature could manage, humbling me each and every time.
Join us at the Community Camp:
Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.
Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.
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