“Day 38!! I woke up late last night, bleary eyed and slightly damp, to crawl out of bed and haphazardly tie down the tarp, drifting off again to light tapping of rain above me. When I next awoke, a soft mist was crawling over the sides of the valley and weaving through the trees below, obscuring the usual view of rolling forest hills against the now paper white sky“

Join us at the Community Camp:
Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.
Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.
If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, check out @SaveBulgaForest on Facebook and instagram or share our website: www.savebulgaforest.org