Woke early after 3rd night on my tree sit platform. I usually wake before dawn. I have finally recovered from the 30 metre climb up here! It must have taken an hour at least. Then with set up got to sleep 3am. I woke thinking I heard my grandson below but by the time I got out of the tent they were gone. I donned my koala suit for the drone and rolled up tarp so I could move around and see the captivating textures and shades of green. It felt a busy start. I could hear bits of the action and vehicles going by. I imagined them searching for the tree sit. Glad of koala suit in case I got found. I sat in warm morning sun on top of the tent sewing velcro off my glove onto koala head to help it stay on. Reading Humanity’s Moment with sun over canopy I got unexpectedly cold. The rocking breeze felt like a mothers embrace. All day various birds chirp. As the sun moves different trees are accentuated, some stand out as sentinels & shadows dance. Preparing for night I swept away the tallowwood bark and tied inner tent up to ridge pole so I could see into the canopy from bed. So lucky no rain or even dew up here. So glad to be awake for the dawn chorus today, an owl is hooting close by. Orange glow has gone revealing more cloud for another day in precious paradise. #SaveBulgaForest #StandUp4Forests #trees #nature #wildlife #nswvotes


Join us at the Community Camp:

Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.

Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.

Google Maps PIN Link here

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