“The huge branches on this tree form complex pathways reminiscent of the home tree on Pandora (“Avatar”) “

Bulga tree-sit Diary Day 10
The huge branches on this tree form complex pathways reminiscent of the home tree on Pandora (“Avatar”). l wish l had the confidence to run along them the way the Nahvi do. When the film first came out we went to see it in a big crowded cinema in 3D. When it dawned on me that the audience would just say “nice film” go home & forget about it l was inspired to get up & give a speech (VERY unlike me). What l wanted to tell everyone was “these issues are REAL. They are happening TODAY. Indigenous people all over the world are having their land & resources stolen, their religion & culture destroyed. l can’t remember exactly what l did say but l yelled” Save Old Growth Forest” a couple of times while my partner convinced Security l was harmless. l feel a bit sorry for them now, getting up bleary eyed & a bit shell shocked only to be harangued by a looney. – Sunny dawn then solid cold mist, King Parrots having a big argument all around me.
Join us at the Community Camp:
Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.
Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.
If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, check out @SaveBulgaForest on Facebook and instagram or share our website: www.savebulgaforest.org