“The log trucks arrive at the same time as the dawn chorus. The wompoos and whip birds pause their song as the trucks rumble through the landscape.“

Bulga Tree- sit Diary Day 13
The log trucks arrive at the same time as the dawn chorus. The wompoos and whip birds pause their song as the trucks rumble through the landscape shaking the ground. In moments when the forest feels most peaceful I catch an image — harvesters whirring, snig chains making roads and the expanse turned to a drying dust bowl.
There are few things as beautiful as a forest like this thriving… so I refuse to reduce this place to a compartment number, carbon calculation or list of threatened species. There is every reason possible — scientific, intuitive and imaginative — to protect every native forest that is still standing.
There is comfort is knowing we are not alone here. Not alone in an ecological way and not alone in our actions. The Bulga camp is another small but critical response to this extractivist system that has wreaked havoc on the earths living communities.
We are many of many across the world who know the only chance we have at a liveable future depends on our willingness to show up, push back and transform the world one direct action at a time.
This is Biripi country. This is stolen land and stolen wealth.
We will not let Forestry Corporation have the last word.
Join us at the Community Camp:
Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.
Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.
If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, check out @SaveBulgaForest on Facebook and instagram or share our website: www.savebulgaforest.org