Donate to our Grassroots Campaign

Donate to help save Bulga Forest Support our grassroots campaign with a donation!

How to Donate

Thank you for coming to donate to help Save Bulga Forest with our grassroots campaign.

Your investment will be used to fund things like purchasing equipment to identify, track or record animal habitat or forest and ecosystem features so we can better protect them. We may also use raised funds to assist with legal costs associated with advocating, defending or protecting the forest. 

There are several ways you can donate to our cause.

You can donate via our Chuffed crowdfund here

You can use Direct Deposit to transfer funds into our bank account directly:

Account Name: Save Bulga Forest
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313140
Account Number: 12431067

Your donation is greatly appreciated!

We make sure your donation goes directly to supporting our cause.

If you would like a receipt, please email [email protected] with the subject line: Donation receipt , along with the details you used in the donation – date, amount and account name.

You could also post us “giftcards”to be used for things like food and travel costs for our tireless volunteers.