To: Andrew O’Brien, Senior Manager NSW Forestry Corporation

Dear Andrew,

I am writing to you on behalf of the group of organisations and individuals that comprise Save Bulga Forest.

The group requests that logging operations cease immediately in Bulga State Forest and specifically in compartments 041 and 043. The group also wish to advise that it will oppose any further harvesting operations in compartments 041 and 043 and elsewhere in Bulga State Forest.

The group extremely concerned that logging operations are occurring, and are likely to occur, in locations that largely escaped the fires of 2019/20 which badly burnt the surrounding forests. These generally unburnt compartments represent critical refugia for numerous vulnerable and endangered species known to exist in the area and which have not had time to recover. The group believes that the Forestry Corporation is not practicing ecologically sustainable forest management.

Representatives of the Save Bulga Forest group would be willing to meet with relevant Forestry Corporation staff to discuss this matter at your earliest opportunity.

In the meantime, you may wish to visit the Save Bulga Forest Camp at the beautiful Ellenborough Falls in Elands.

We look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Sheed OAM

c.c. Paul Brennan, Forestry Corporation, Wauchope

The Honourable Dugald Saunders MP, Minister for Agriculture