Hi Forest Supporters,
We need your help to End Native Forest Logging!
Join us at Midcoast Council – Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way, Taree on Wednesday 8th February, from 8am. We are calling on our local council to support our call to permanently halt logging in the Bulga State Forest.
We’ll be gathering from 8am to wave at cars on the road side of Mid Coast Council – Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way, Taree. Bring your koala signs and costumes and support our creative group with their theatrical performance.
Stay as long as you can, we’ll be having speakers at the Open and Public Forum from 9am-11am, including the Youth voices of our community speaking at 10am, and then we’ll hang around for the Council meeting at 2pm. Thanks to those who have written to us to explain how this works.

If you can’t come in person, please amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians in your electorate, get hash tagging! Share this email! You can also give us a donation via our website.
Hashtag us across all social media, facebook, instagram, twitter:
#savebulgaforest #standup4forests #nswvotes #trees #nature #forest #biripicountry #nsw #nswaustralia #australia #worthmorestanding
You can also help us get seen by taking a photo of yourself with your own #SaveBulgaForest or #EndNativeLogging sign and send it to the Premier via Facebook @domperrotetmp Twitter @dom_perrotet or Instagram @dom.perrotet
and to the Opposition leader Chris Minns via Facebook @chrisminnsmp Twitter @chrisminnsmp Instagram chrisminnsmp