Save Bulga Forest!


Currently about 2000 ha of Bulga forest is being planned for logging, which is about 10 times more than they started last time.

At the moment Forestry are saying they will start operations on September 30, 2024.

It’s all hands on deck! We held them off last year – WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!

NEXT MEETING: To be announced. Make sure you are subscribed to receive alert emails and news updates, by clicking on “Subscribe” on this page.

The local community will actively defend our forest and its Koalas and Gliders.

The Greater Glider population in the Bulga will not survive the logging.

If we want kids in the future to be able to have the thrill of spotting them in the wild, then we have to save their homes! #GiveKidsHope

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What’s Happening?

Updated, 1st May, 2024. We need you, still.

Logging was suspended in Bulga State Forest on Biripi country- twice! But now currently about 2000 ha of Bulga forest is being planned for logging. About 10 times more than they started last time. At the moment Forestry are saying they will start operations on September 30, 2024.

Please join us so we can permanently Save Bulga State Forest on Biripi country. The action by the community here in Bulga Forest over the last year and more has so far forced Forestry Corporation to temporarily delay their plans to destroy the Bulga forest.

We are a small community and really need your solidarity. We know that the climate extremes will continue to manifest and that biodiversity is on a downward spiral. We know too that our creativity, determination and joy has been a really effective tool for keeping Bulga forest standing.

Keep updated by subscribing to our newsletters. There will be some more face-to-face meetings and skill shares. We’ll continue to gather together for citizen science sessions, tripod making and climbing skills, forest craft, signs and banner making, family activities, info nights, dance and more.

There have also been many Greater Glider sightings and there are many more to find. If you are interested in doing a ‘den watch’ let us know. It involves watching a particular tree hollow at dusk to see if a glider emerges.

We are currently in the planning stages for a big meet up in Elands, ready for active defence of our local Greater Gliders!

If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, check out @SaveBulgaForest on Facebook, or  email [email protected] for more info.

Campaign News

What do we want?


Immediately stop logging in all Greater Glider and Koala habitat in Bulga State Forest


For Bulga Forest to be added to the Biriwal Bulga and Tapin Tops National Parks and


Manage the public forest estate for the public good: biodiversity, carbon, water, recreation and not damage it for the profit of a few.

Diary from the Bulga Forest

Treesit Diary from the Bulga Forest

Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest day 47

Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest day 47

Bulga Forest. Bulga tree-sit Diary  day 47

Tarp held up well though a very rainy afternoon and evening, I am so glad this platform stayed dry. 

Forest birds don’t seem as enthusiastic today with their good morning to the world chorus. Still a bit damp and chilly for singing maybe. Perhaps once the sun breaks out of the mist clouds they might feel more hearty.

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