Media Release October 18
Spring has Sprung and the Babies are out of the Pouches

Save Bulga Forest citizen scientists have captured some rare footage of a baby Greater
Glider poking out of its mother’s pouch, its tail especially visible.

“At our first citizen science camp we saw movement that suggested a Greater Glider had
something in its pouch but we couldn’t be sure. Now we know that for some it has been a
successful breeding season,” said Sharyn O’Dell, a spokesperson for Save Bulga Forest.

“It is just so exciting seeing a Greater Glider, but seeing one with young is a real thrill. It
makes us more determined to stop the destruction of their homes. These little gliders are a
symbol of our future. They are a nationally endangered species, but if we can protect them
and their habitat, and they continue to breed, maybe one day they will no longer be
endangered. We all need to feel hopeful,” she said.

As well as seeing the young glider, the group have filmed two mother Koalas with their
joey’s on their backs.

“There’s no doubt that Koalas are cute and adorable, but seeing a baby Koala on its
mother’s back is just the best. Koalas are also nationally endangered.

“We’ve had three citizen science camps this year and have learnt so much. The last one
during the school holidays we took the kids spotlighting. The pure joy of their finding a
Greater Glider was a golden moment. No screens, no boredom. When we stop having to
put our energy into stopping the logging, we’ll start thinking about how we can make this
magic experience accessible for others.

“Greater Glider and Koala spotting, if done ethically, may turn out to be a truly sustainable
business opportunity,” Ms O’Dell said.

The animals were seen in the part of Bulga State Forest where logging has been
temporarily suspended but could resume any time. There is currently no requirement to
search for these animals before logging or protect their habitat.