“ Every Environment Minister should experience a tree sit to open their hearts and minds to reality. We are each a tiny speck in the ecosystem but have the ability to create so much harm to all.“
The bottom 2 metres that we occupy when walking through forests are a tiny, tiny portion of it. Tropical biologist are finding that at least half, and probably more, of rainforest species live in tree crowns and nowhere else. The word ‘grounded’ is used as a compliment for sensible people, something I used to aspire to. Not so sure now. It attaches us to the surface of our planet, which is where we reside, but keeps us oblivious to the majority of flora and fauna that interconnects us to this living planet. Every Environment Minister should experience a tree sit to open their hearts and minds to reality. We are each a tiny speck in the ecosystem but have the ability to create so much harm to all.
This is from Forestry’s website:
Rainforest comprises only 2.7% of Australia’s total native forest, but provides habitat for 60% of Australia’s plant species, 60% of butterfly species, 40% of bird species and 35% of mammal species.
This is definitely a rainforest here, even though the Forestry Commission would have you believe otherwise. It is degraded because of previous selective logging but won’t be even that if they come in with the excavators that destroy everything except the lonely habit trees they are forced to leave by law.
Am aware that native forest logging is not supposed to be in rainforest, yet this is. They just fudge classifications. By taking out forest like this they remove fire resistant plants and encourage high oil, fire dependant plants to regrow. It also disturbs and contaminates water catchments which are critical in this dry continent. Criminal. Maybe a class action of burnt out home owners against the Forestry Commission could help them truly desist from their archaic carnage. Money talks loudly to those who worship it more than life.
Join us at the Community Camp:
Ellenborough Falls, Elands, NSW, 2429.
Directions are simple: Search for Ellenborough Falls, it’s on Tourist Route 8 if you’re coming from the Pacific Highway.
If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, check out @SaveBulgaForest on Facebook and instagram or share our website: www.savebulgaforest.org