Bulga State Forest treesit  day 53

Bulga State Forest treesit day 53

“habitat destruction is the most powerful driver of biodiversity loss, to quote D. Attenborough from “Extinction””   Bulga tree-sit Diary  day 53  Looking down from rock steady into the area scheduled next for logging  and knowing the...
Bulga State Forest treesit  day 52

Bulga State Forest treesit day 52

“Please do make the effort. When the voices multiply they will be heard. No time left to procrastinate, it is the thief of time , time our wildlife and forests do not have. Let’s do this! End native forest logging now!”   Bulga tree-sit Diary  day 52...
50 Days Bulga Forest Tree Sit

50 Days Bulga Forest Tree Sit

Bulga Tree-sit Occupied for 50 daysMedia Release February 26, 2023 Today our tree-sit marks 50 days of continuous occupation. It is has seen rain, hail and some wild winds. The tree-sit was installed in the first week of January, in the Bulga State Forest. It is in...