Save Bulga Forest!


What’s Happening?

Currently about 2000 ha of Bulga forest on Biripi Country is in the Forestry plan for logging, and logging operations commenced in October 2024.

It’s all hands on deck! We held them off last year – WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!

We are having regular meetings from 5.30pm in Elands,

Please get in touch asap if you would like to attend.

Bring warm clothes and a plate to share.

Plan for staying longer if that suits.

Bring what you need for camping or some billeting available, email for more info

Make sure you are subscribed to receive alert emails and news updates, by clicking on “Subscribe” on this page.

Please join us so we can permanently Save Bulga State Forest on Biripi country.

The action by the community here in Bulga Forest over the last year and more has caused delays to the logging in Bulga forest.

We are a small community and really need your solidarity.

We know that the climate extremes will continue to manifest and that biodiversity is on a downward spiral.

We know too that our creativity, determination and joy has been a really effective tool for keeping Bulga forest standing.

There have been many Greater Glider sightings and there are many more to find.

The Greater Glider population in the Bulga will not survive the logging.

If we want a future with Greater Gliders in the wild, then we need to save their homes!

If you can’t come in person, amplify our voice, share our posts, contact politicians, and please share our voices from @SaveBulgaForest on Instagram and Facebook and our website

Email [email protected] for more info.

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Campaign News

Logging more than one tree per minute

Logging more than one tree per minute

Harvesting Machine starts destroying Bulga State Forest, 4th October, 2024Forest defenders have been holding up the harvesting machine for days, but just minutes after arrests happened, the harvesting machine whirred into destroy mode in the heart of Greater Glider...

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Harvesting machines destroy Greater Glider Habitat

Harvesting machines destroy Greater Glider Habitat

Harvesting Machine starts destroying Bulga State Forest, 4th October, 2024As soon as the arrests happened, the harvesting machines whirred into destroy mode in the heart of Greater Glider habitat in Bulga State Forest. It’s on, what we all dreaded has happened,...

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Arrests 6 and 7 in Bulga State Forest

Arrests 6 and 7 in Bulga State Forest

"I just have to do what I can", said Marg,  3rd October, 2024Media Release, October 4, 2024 Two women were arrested yesterday for trying to protect the homes of Greater Gliders and Koalas in Bulga State Forest. Logging was unable to proceed for most of the day because...

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What do we want?


Immediately stop logging in all Greater Glider and Koala habitat in Bulga State Forest


For Bulga Forest to be added to the Biriwal Bulga and Tapin Tops National Parks and


Manage the public forest estate for the public good: biodiversity, carbon, water, recreation and not damage it for the profit of a few.

Diary from the Bulga Forest

Treesit Diary from the Bulga Forest

Bulga State Forest treesit  day 54

Bulga State Forest treesit day 54

Day 54 Good people still work all night rigging machines to tree sits with an amazing labyrinth of ropes & D-shackles only to get arrested and taken away by police simply in an attempt to save native forests from destruction.

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Bulga State Forest treesit  day 52

Bulga State Forest treesit day 52

Day 52
“Please do make the effort. When the voices multiply they will be heard. No time left to procrastinate, it is the thief of time , time our wildlife and forests do not have. Let’s do this! End native forest logging now!”

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