Treesit Diary

Day 36, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

Day 36, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

Today I want to practice knowing the interconnectedness of all life, and of my life with it. I notice the way my veins spread through my body like mycelium through soil, like branches through the sky. The entire ecosystem of this forest helping to create nutrients which create branches which help to clean the air so that I can breath oxygen into the blood pumped through my body in those veins.

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Day 29, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

Day 29, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

So many shades of green, a wealth of aliveness surrounds me, feeding my heart with happiness. Chirrups, tweets, squawks, buzzings all floating around on a gentle breeze. Large white butterflies are making the most of the updrafts, lazily gliding amongst the treetops. Am so grateful to this majestic giant supporting the sit so steadily. Feel so safe and in harmony with this beautiful space, and to top it off, I have a perfect book to enjoy while here

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Day 27, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

Day 27, Diary from a treesitter in the Bulga State Forest

A the edge of dawn I sit ensconced in my coccoon of sheets, tucked into my nest in the canopy. The morning trickles down over the far side of the ridge and into the gully. To the eye, everything is stillness, but the air is alive with birdsong, invisible waves that ripple down through the valley.
The minutes drip drop with the viscosity of honey, so I take my time with each task – slicing my apple into segments, savouring the sensation as the knife glides through the flesh, the sweetness and crunch between my teeth.

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